Enriched Perspectives

Leavers and Cleavers... God Edition

Episode Summary

When leaving a life of sin to follow Christ, we embark upon an exciting journey of faith. The surest evidence of our spiritual life is the dedication of ourselves to God. Corrie Boom said, "The future is daunting because of its uncertainty, but it is only uncertain to us, not to our good shepherd."

Episode Notes

In this episode we discuss the beauty of leaving and cleaving to God.   We cannot be made the servants of God until we are freed from the power and dominion of sin; we cannot serve two masters so directly opposite one to another as God and sin are.  Cleaving to God is a resignation of ourselves to the service of God and righteousness; to God as our master, to righteousness as our work.  


  1. Matthew 4:19-22, 16:23-26
  2. Luke 9:57-62
  3. II Cor. 5:17
  4. I Cor. 13:11
  5. Eph. 4:22-24

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